Monday, January 05, 2009

I think even Gloria Steinem and Jesus would agree with me here:

I've written before that, not only is it okay to call Ann Coutler a "cunt", it's not okay not to call her one.

And in case you needed one more reason:

Friday, January 02, 2009

But it'd be cool if I could leave the house for more than an hour tomorrow:

The past 72 hours have been punishing physically--I actually had to skip both New Year's Eve parties I'd been invited to--and while I'm in a really good mood, you know, fuck.

But yesterday I received the sweetest missive from someone saying how much she enjoys my work and today I received a different note from someone and he basically said the same thing.

It's incredibly gratifying for anyone to receive such rockin' feedback, but when you're lying flat in pain in a dark room, it's that much more so.

So I still think 2009 is off to a great start.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

So far:

Little has gone as planned but it's been very fun nonetheless.

And that's as good a way as any to kick things off.