Monday, June 28, 2010

Tweets from the past week (minus re-tweets and replies):

Monday, June 21st:

8:47 a.m. Pens, toothbrushes, razors. #ThingsThatShouldBeRecyclable

8:56 a.m. I'd love to go Robin Hood on #TonyHayward, steal his yacht & donate it to those whose lives have been upended by the #BPdisaster.

4:02 p.m. If there's a global shortage of Chico's summer apparel, it's b/c my neighbors seem to be hording it. #whygodwhy

Tuesday, June 22nd:

4:35 p.m. #McChrystal's lack of foresight is like that of Girls Gone Wild co-eds. What did he think was going to happen?

Wednesday, June 23rd:

7:21 a.m. #JoeBarton is sending #McChrystal a fruit basket right now.

9:21 a.m. My new Seattle Weekly feature on the whimsical & hook-laden Horace Pickett is out now:

6:58 p.m. Why is it the least interesting people are always afraid I'm going to write about them?

Thursday, June 24th:

9:49 a.m. My hairstylist only works two days a week b/c she just had a kid & my back-up stylist is on maternity leave. #BabiesRuinEverything

6:37 p.m. Breaks my heart to enter the once thriving Steve's Broadway News and find it, yet again, empty. #CapitolHill #Seattle

6:41 p.m. I've written for's Capitol Hill blog the past few months. Here's my latest post:

Friday, June 25th:

7:55 a.m. The great thing about #iPhone owners is that they don't talk about it all the time. Oh, wait.

8:38 a.m. The gardening service downstairs is using some loud plant-destroying machinery that's making my home reek of gasoline. This ends well.

10:26 a.m. #FF: @DavidCornDC, @Single_Shot, @thejoelstein, @mental_floss, @RebeccaSkloot, @afpakchannel, @Dr_Todd_Boyd, & of course, @swreverb

2:48 p.m. @jadewalker is as kind as pizza is tasty. Reminded again how lucky I am she's my friend.

2:57 p.m. Can't tell if the couple across the street is engaged in a murderous row or an afternoon romp. #OpenWindowWeather

Saturday, June 26th:

9:06 a.m. If you own and ignite fireworks on June 26th, what exactly in your life is worth celebrating?

10:05 a.m. Re my previous tweet, I'd forgotten today is Pride Day! So yeah, everyone, carry on igniting stuff.

Sunday, June 27th:

9:56 a.m. Watched "Spinal Tap" for the first time in years & among other things, it made me miss Bruno Kirby. "'Yes I Can' if Frank says I can."

1:25 p.m. Just read Sen. Byrd is "seriously ill". Am I an asshole for thinking, "Oh, shit. Another Democrat's seat up for grabs"?

6:27 p.m. Wait a second, I think I detect a theme to the Dalai Lama's tweets.

Monday, June 28th, today:

9 hours ago Sen. Orrin Hatch is worried that if #ElenaKagan is confirmed, she and Sotomayor & Ginsberg are going to make abortions free & then go shopping.

8 hours ago Wish there were also confirmation hearings for barristas and editors. #SCOTUS

4 hours ago Girl on cell at Denny & Summit: "Sorry to inform you I'm moving to Alaska in 3 mo. I love you. Bye."

3 hours ago Why do couples w/ agonizing marriages want to see everyone else wed?

1 hour ago Re #BillClinton announcing it's possible to blow up the #oilspill, does anyone else hear him say it in Darrell Hammond's voice?

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